Participation Fees The fee for our event is $350. This includes: * 2 1/2 days of rehearsal and a performance opportunity in midtown Manhattan. * Solo performance (Sing/Dance/Monologue/Musical Performance) * Ensemble Performance including; 2 Ensemble Songs and 1 Ensemble Song and Dance * Opportunity to work with Broadway professionals * Talent managers will be on hand * Parent class with Social media and Promotion expert Ellen Sauchelli * Show shirt, Playbill and other event swag For those that would like additional solo or small group numbers, there is an additional fee. NYC Tap Crew performers will have a small rehearsal fee.
Additional Performances If you are interested in performing more than one solo performance, there are a few additional performance spots available Contact Thommie IMMEDIATELY if you are interested! [email protected] Additional Solo Performance $75 Additional Duet or Small Group $45 each Tap Crew Rehearsal fee $75